How Gangstagrass looked, once, before Firefox locked up
Ubuntu 7.04 (urgh!) and the web site went 503
So fine. Not everyday you stumble on a CD with every track just too sizzling sweet.
Gangstagrass: a prime new mashup of hillbilly twanging beats and some of the finest voices of gangsta rap's homies and hos. One listen gives visions of grinning gangsta kids stomping with a gaggle o' good ol' boys. Guffaws galore.
And, if the mashup's producer Rench doesn't do a Gangstagrass vidi for Obama, there just ain't no justice in the world.
At time of writing, the band's website was 503'd (Service temporarily unavailable), apparently overloaded by just Boing Boing's mini-review and the news just hit Digg, so get a Bittorrent client and go to Pirate Bay for the whole 22-song album, as free mp3s, plus cover art and songs-artists list.
Look, call for more Gangstagrass. This is the best of the future you'll get.
Update-AD.2008.May.12.Mon.07h57.ICT: The lyrics rock, too -- and pleasantly remind of:
- My name is Eugene Debs Hartke, and I was born in 1940. I was named at the behest of my maternal grandfather, Benjamin Wills, who was a Socialist and an Atheist, and nothing but a groundskeeper at Butler University, in Indianapolis, Indiana, in honor of Eugene Debs of Terre Haute, Indiana. Debs was a Socialist and a Pacifist and a Labor Organizer who ran several times for the Presidency of the United States of America, and got more votes than has any other candidate nominated by a third party in the history of this country. Debs died in 1926, when I was a negative 14 years of age.
The year is 2001 now. If all had gone the way a lot of people thought it would, Jesus Christ would have been among us again, and the American flag would have been planted on Venus and Mars. No such luck!
At least the World will end, an event anticipated with great joy by many. It will end very soon, but not in the year 2000, which has come and gone. From that I conclude that God Almighty is not heavily into Numerology.
Grandfather Benjamin Wills died in 1948, when I was a pIus 8 years of age, but not before he made sure that I knew by heart the most famous words uttered by Debs, which are:
- While there is a lower class I am in it.
While there is a criminal element I am of it.
While there is a soul in prison I am not free.
-- Kurt Vonnegut, Jr, Hocus Pocus, 1990
[Edits] .May.12.16h15.ICT