

SCRAPs (Saved Copies of Reports, Articles & Presentations)

+ This post marks a full year's worth of SCRAPing! But, because the first few months of this effort were much more tentative and inconsistent than the rest, and, to commemorate the eve and day of Kurt Vonnegut's passing, this collection goes on to at least AD.12.Apr/03.2008.ICT
+ For speed and consistency, all SCRAPs were saved to disk using the ScrapBook extension for the Firefox web browser.
+ Time of saving to disk precedes each web page's title; format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
+ Timestamps are all in ICT (IndoChina Time, UTC/GMT+7) timezone.
+ Copies of original reports saved to disk available upon request.


Representative Press said...

SEE VIDEO and Help the antiwar efforts of Tomas Young and others, pass it on to others.
Promoting this film helps the antiwar movement. I interviewed Phil Donahue in this Representative Press Video, please help amplify his efforts and my efforts, get this video to others. It is important that good crowds show up at the theaters. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9 the movie is showing in NY and Donahue and the co-director will be there. Spread the word.
See VIDEO: See Body of War, Hear Body of War * Part 2
I want Phil Donahue's appearance in my video to have been productive so I am really trying to get this video maximum exposure.

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