
SCRAPs, AD.2008.04.12.ICT

SCRAPs (Saved Copies of Reports, Analyses & Presentations)

Kurt Vonnegut

From So it goes, by Jim Saturday, posted at "01:57 PM on April 12, 2007" (timezone unknown) on some blog called "TCPalm" -- which is apparently going AWOL, so it too got SCRAP'd.

A date with death was yet again missed due to confused timezones, economic constraints and exhaustion. But the same thing apparently happened last year, so it's okie dokie, folks. Instead of yesterday, the first anniversary Kurt Vonnegut's passing away, Apr.11 last year, news of "vonnegut" was Googled and SCRAP'd today.

Last year, it seems, similar obstacles were at work and news of Vonnegut's earthly demise apparently revived the SCRAPs after a week-long hiatus, two days later, Apr.13.

Today, this year, there was naturally yet another pile of other interesting RAP headlines to SCRAP. See BeLow.

All SCRAPs listed here represent the varying interests and energy levels of this blog's author alone, as fed by his daily Web, email and RSS-feed news obsession, since AD.2007.Mar.01.Thu.09:33:39.ICT.

The time-stamp preceding each web page's title is in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. For example, the SCRAP preceded by the timestamp "20070305093339" was saved at AD.2007.Mar.01.Thu.09:33:39.ICT. "ICT" is IndoChina Time, the UTC/GMT+7 timezone. According to Wikipedia, "AD" stands for "Anno Domini (Medieval Latin: In the year of (the/Our) Lord), abbreviated as AD or A.D., is a designation used to number years in the Julian and Gregorian calendars. More fully, years may be also specified as Anno Domini Nostri Iesu (Jesu) Christi ("In the Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ"). The calendar era which it numbers is based on the traditionally reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus. Before Christ, abbreviated as BC or B.C., is used in the English language to denote years before the start of this epoch." In other words, "AD" indicates a solar calendar based on the Christian ideology, as opposed to the lunar calendars based largely on harvest times which are still used throughout Asia.

Copies of original reports saved to disk available upon request. It would be too expensive to mirror them all online.

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