
SCRAPs, AD.2008.04.15.ICT

Saved Copies of Reports, Analyses & Presentations (SCRAPs), AD.2008.Apr.15.Tue.ICT - The Hùng Kings' Holiday

Pic of the Day

From one of the web pages listed next

Today is the AD.2008 Hùng Kings' Holiday in Vietnam. The Hùng Kings' were the legendary founders and first rulers of Vietnam. It's a holiday based on a legend. OK? OK? See the Wikipedia entry on Hùng Vương for more information.

And today we're cutting back. Today's SCRAPs only go to AD.2008.Apr.15.Tue.17:52.ICT. Today's deadline was 6pm (18:00) ICT. Upcoming daily SCRAPS will be cut back step-by-step to a deadline of 15:00.ICT, which gives the "HoSE" (Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange, aka VN Index) time to update its web site with the half-day trading results, and, purportedly, gives me time to review and write about the day's SCRAPs , this year's and last year's, in time for publication the following day, this year.

The 20,724 more or less unique SCRAPs listed on this blog, to date, represent a quixotic commemorative attempt to supplement at least one mind, mine, with a rapidly recoverable repository of the issues that caught my attention over the last 360-plus days. They commemorate the life, works and death of Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (See AlSo SCRAPs-2008.04.11 - On the Day God Died, BeLow.)

All SCRAPs listed here represent the varying interests and energy levels of this blog's author alone, as fed by his daily Internet news and news-feeds obsession, since AD.2007.Mar.01.Thu.09:33:39.ICT.

The time-stamp preceding each web page's title is in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. For example, the SCRAP preceded by the timestamp "20070305093339" was saved at AD.2007.Mar.01.Thu.09:33:39.ICT. "ICT" is IndoChina Time, the UTC/GMT+7 timezone.

For more information on how these SCRAPs were selected, harvested, filtered and posted, see SCRAPs, 2008.04.06-09.

Copies of original reports saved to disk available upon request. It would be too expensive to mirror them all online.

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