
SCRAPs, AD.2008.04.27.ICT - Facing Cold Turkey

Here’s what I think the truth is: We are all addicts of fossil fuels in a state of denial, about to face cold turkey.

And like so many addicts about to face cold turkey, our leaders are now committing violent crimes to get what little is left of what we’re hooked on.

-- Kurt Vonnegut, Jr, Addicted To Oil And Violence, CounterCurrents, 2004.May.13

Today, the 22nd day of the 3rd lunar month, the 27th day of the 4th solar month, some 22,129 unique Web SCRAPs have been saved to disk since March 2007. Each is linked to the location it was saved from by this blog. See BeLow. For more on method/madness, see right.

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From one of the Web pages SCRAP'd, BeLow


He punched the playback button on the recorder before him, and I heard myself telling Paul Slazinger, privately, I’d thought, that the two principal currencies of the planet were the Yen and fellatio. -- Kurt Vonnegut, Jr, Hocus Pocus, 1990